

杜克大学:尼古拉斯环境学院 & 地球科学讲座

就业服务中心将主持这次信息发布会.  尼古拉斯环境学院 and Earth Sciences at Duke University is among the premier educational institutions in the training and preparation of future environmental scientists, leaders in environmental 政策和生态系统管理者.


A group of people will help put up a recycled art installation for Case Gallery.  Those interested in working on a collaborative installation using recycled materials and those who 享受 sculpture and would like to exhibit it are welcome to participate.  该集团还将生产纸鹤.


Career Services will host the Maritime Studies Program of Williams College 和Mystic 海港资讯会.  在这个项目中,学生探索一个跨学科的 curriculum of ocean and coastal studies integrating marine sciences, maritime history, 环境政策和海洋文学.  学生们生活在历史、合作、 coed houses at Mystic Seaport, the world's largest maritime museum, and have full access to world-class maritime collections, a maritime library, well-equipped laboratory, 以及多样的海岸栖息地.  大学二年级、三年级和四年级的学生都可以参加, 欢迎所有专业的学生.  不需要有航海或航海经验,只要 愿意尝试新事物!


约翰F. 托马

In recent years, a significant group of businesses that are highly innovative, productive, 有竞争力、有社会责任感的企业已经出现.  这些高绩效组织 are capable of executing strategies that enable them to be financially successful 同时对环境负责.  这些都不是制定政策的公司 makers envisioned when they formulated command and control and market incentive environmental 政策,我.e.控制导向政策.  因为这个和其他的新业务 现实情况是,有必要制定新的环境政策.  因此,约翰,和 his co-author Thomas Sadler, have proposed and formulated a new class of environmental 政策,基于承诺方法的政策.  约翰也会解释为什么 neoclassical model is deficient as a basis for environmental policy and to explicate 性质比较合适的模型.


Interested students will meet in the Honors Forum Lounge to discuss getting more local 和火博体育餐厅的有机食品.  去年,这个小组完成了 local apples from Saratoga Apple in the dining hall, and this year, the group is aiming for much more, including getting better tasting, sustainably grown, environmentally 意识清醒,食堂里的食物更新鲜.



Join the Friends of 北部森林 for a walk through our very own winter wonderland.  Snowshoes will be provided, and cookies and hot beverages will be offered for all 散步后.


Dr. 玛丽亚·路易莎·克劳福德

This lecture is part of the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) Distinguished 讲师 Program, which promotes, encourages and supports the role of women in the 地球科学.  Dr. 克劳福德是造山研究的先驱 地球科学领域本身.  她是1988年AWG杰出奖的获得者 教育家奖和1993年麦克阿瑟基金会奖学金.  在过去的几代人 it has become obvious that human beings are one of the major factors in modifying 地球表面.  例如,我们已经转化或退化了39% -50% of the Earth's land surface, while people and the environment are suffering increasingly 免受自然灾害的影响.  因此,认识到这些问题是很重要的 and to consider the ability of people and societies to adapt to a cope with change.

Governance Challenges in China: Confronting Environmental Degradation and Social Inequality

Dr. 米兰达Schreurs

米兰达Schreurs of the University of 马里兰 at College Park will discuss "Governance Challenges in China: Confronting Environmental Degradation and Social Inequality" 在讲座中,免费向所有人开放.  是政府和 Politics at the University of 马里兰, Schreurs specializes in environmental policy 以及日本、东亚和欧洲的政策制定.  她目前领导着御木党 Environment Project, an international and interdisciplinary team-based analysis of environmental equity and justice in comparative perspective in Japan, Germany, the United States, and China (leading to two edited volumes) and working on co-edited manuscripts on environmental security and cooperation in Pacific Asia (with In-taek Hyun); environmental policy across the Atlantic (with Stacy VanDeveer and Henrik Selin); 以及日本的环境管理(与hideumi Imura合作).  她最近在工作 on numerous book chapters and articles dealing with environmental protection, climate change policy, social movements, and energy issues in Japan, East Asia, Europe, and 美国.  施瑞尔斯会说日语、德语和荷兰语,并曾举办过奖学金 with the SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Program in International Peace and Security, Fulbright, and National Science Foundation/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.  她是 co-director of the Freeman East Asia Undergraduate Initiative at the University of 马里兰.  她毕业于华盛顿大学,在那里她获得了B.A. 和M.A. Schreurs获得了博士学位.D. 1996年获得密歇根大学学位.


教授 Karen Kellogg of the Environmental Studies Program will offer a discussion on the Tragedy of the Commons followed by an hour long walk in the 北部森林.


Come listen to a discussion by Christina Schull '06 on how different invasive species are taking over sections of the 北部森林 and pushing native flora 和动物 out.  接下来是散步,展示讨论过的一些物种.


教授 Linda Hall of the 英语 Department will give a lecture on Literature and 去大自然,然后去北森林徒步.


The Friends of the 北部森林 Committee and the Geology Club are sponsoring a lecture on the geology of the 北部森林 by 教授 Kim Marsella, followed by a hike in 树林和烧烤.  这是出门享受春天新鲜天气的好方法.



"If the wars of this century were fought over oil, the wars of the next century will 他为水而战.——ismail Serageldin,世界银行副行长,1995年.  教授 Pushi Prasad主持年度荣誉论坛讲座.  她将讨论为什么是水 is becoming a scarce resource, types of Water Wars, different forms of water privatization, 以及私有化对水价的影响.  这堂课是给任何有 对环境和/或水市场感兴趣.


Enjoy a full day of sweet music, tasty BBQ, activities, and free stuff for all to 享受!


Christina Schull '06 will lead an hour long lecture hike on invasive species in the 北部森林.


Sue Van Hook will lead the last 北部森林 hike and talk about the 北部森林' flora 和动物.

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